"You must have a room, or a certain hour of the day or so where you do not know what was in the morning paper. A place where you can simplify experience and bring forth what you are, and what you might be. At first you may find nothing's happening. But if you have a sacred place and use it, take advantage of it, something will happen." -- Joseph Campbell (emphasis mine)
For eleven years -- as of yesterday -- my blog has been a bit of that sort of place for me. This latest anniversary passed quite without fanfare, as I was busy in the sewdio, and will be so again this day, after this post, hunkering down in the - 30 C weather once more, and likely on into tomorrow. It's not supposed to warm up significantly, weather-wise, till Thursday. Snow is in the forecast between now and then. Preparing to enter the Lacombe Show again in April, I will be busy and thus fairly oblivious to what's in the morning news.
That said, the weather and the anniversary require a bit of heart-warming, don't you think? I mentioned some time back that I would have a give-away for this less-than-auspicious occasion, and the time has come!
I have two artful books and two gently-viewed magazines to share with you, my Gentle Readers. Very simply, they will go to the first four people who comment on this blog, telling me a wee bit about their Special Place where they "...can simplify experience and bring forth what [they] are, and what [they] might be." No pressure! (grin)
These are the publications:
1. Layered, Tattered & Stitched: A Fabric Art Workshop by Ruth Rae (North Light Books, 2009);
2. Where Women Create: Quilters by Jo Packham (Quarry Books, 2013);
3. "Where Women Create" (the magazine) - May-July 2013 issue; and
4. "Where Women Create" (the magazine) - Aug-October 2013 issue.
I'll ease up the "comment moderation" requirements to make it easier on you, and check for the winners by the end of the day (for me, that's about 9 p.m. Mountain Standard Time) on Saturday, February 15.
Well, congratulations, Margaret! What a lovely quote and I, too feel like my blog is that place I can go to and express something of the self I am finding as I putter around on bloggy things!
Congratulations to you Margaret! I know I enjoy watching your process AND you progress. Where is my creative place? I'm not really happy at all with my "studio" but it is what it is.
My "new" place to create is on an airplane. I used to have a significant issue with claustrophobia and air travel was difficult. Over the years I've gotten more comfortable with air travel.
I tend to get antsy easily and somehow when I'm forced to sit for awhile on an airplane, I find my creative juices flow and I get hyperfocused on dreaming up the next project.
Congratulations! My special place is my studio. All my creative stuff is there, plus my computer with lots of music on it :-)
Oh, Margaret, that is both easy and hard. I can think of many places but the common theme is "in nature" - sometimes mountains, sometimes near water, always with quiet. :)
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