Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Until November Second....

If you visit Lacombe, you can take in Prairie Puzzles, an exhibit of bed quilts, home decor, art quilts and wearable quilting by five skilled Lacombe stitchers.  The historic Flatiron Building, home of the Lacombe & District Historical Society and the Lacombe Interpretive Centre, is strategically located at the intersection of 50 Avenue (aka Highway 12 or The Main Drag) and 50th Street, and is open Tuesdays through Saturdays, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. (closed for lunch from noon to 1 p.m.).  Admission is free.

I had the opportunity to attend the opening of this exhibit, where I met one of the artists -- Briony Goddard, a talented quilter, embroiderer and beader.  In fact, at present it's her beading for which she's best known -- and it is Metis beading at that!  Below is a short video with Briony about this work:

While the work of the other quilters in the exhibit is lovely -- and Helen Brooks' hand-quilting was particularly superb -- Briony's contributions demonstrates a facility in both traditional and original design.  She and I connected early in the evening and spent over an hour sharing experiences, information, discussing the exhibit and our respective artistic practices.

If you go to the show, look for Briony's beautiful paper piecing, her original circular hangings and her tiny crazy quilted, heavily beaded postcard.

Wormhole Trip - Paper pieced
(C) Briony Goddard, 2013

And if you admire fine hand-quilting, you'll enjoy the work of Helen Brooks, such as this work on a miniature Dresden Plate hanging:

The exhibit is hung just inside the foyer of the Flatiron Building, and photographs are permitted.  Each piece is colourful and demonstrates the variety of work done by these women, all members of the Central Alberta Quilters' Guild and all residents of Lacombe and area.  It's a rich collection of colour and style, and for those in this part of Alberta (and there are many) unfamiliar with original quilt design, it's both a gentle introduction to the art quilt and a fitting tribute to the tradition of quilting for hearth and home.

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