Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Thing About WIP Wednesday...

is that while I'm Working on what's In Progress, I often don't stop to take a photo! ;-)

Thanks to all of you who left kind words about the miniature I finished yesterday.  These pieces are all 6.5" x 8.5" with matts that finish them at 8" x 10".  I got hooked on making them after I did the piece for "Santa Fe Spotlight", the silent auction being held at the SAQA Conference there at the end of April.   Seems I couldn't make just one!

Here's the one I've made today -- shown in it's matt, but it's not actually mounted, as it's not quite finished.  If you look closely at the bottom right side, you'll see tiny seed stitches in the green grass.  A bit more of this work needs to be done around the trees and to the left side, but I'm off to Red Deer shortly to run some errands, followed by a one-man production, "An Evening With C.S. Lewis" featuring British actor David Payne, so the rest of the hand-stitch will have to wait until tomorrow.

Trio II (c) 2013

Look familiar?  ;-)  It's a mini of my Final Assessment Piece...after a fashion.  More of arlee's eco-dyed fabric for the tree trunks (though not the same fabric as in the larger piece) and my own hand-dyed fabric for the sky and the grass.  (Oh, and those golden "hills" -- trees, in real life -- in this morning's post?  arlee's fabric too.)

And so I'll close by linking to WIP Wednesday on The Needle and Thread Network...and hope to take some time to look at all the posts there...tomorrow, with a cuppa.  Ciao!


Sam said...

Very nice. I love your birch trees.

What Comes Next? said...

lovely work!

Regina said...

Very nice piece, hope you had a lovely evening.