The four main fabrics for my version of Bonnie Hunter's next pieced mystery quilt, "Easy Street". Sandy's got hers posted, so I figured I'd better hop to it!
As Bonnie suggested, I 'shopped my stash' for all the colours except the green. That's one metre, and I bought it Saturday at Carolyn's Homespun Seasons, my fave quilt shop in Stettler. (My friend A suggested I go with orange, but I wanted to cool those hot pinks off a bit, so I went with green.) Washed 'em up yesterday, along with these:
My background fabrics. I really want to use the funky print on the bottom of that stack. For one thing, it's what I have most of. I got it in a donation of fabrics a year or more ago and kept it, thinking I could back something with it, but now I'm thinking it just might be fun cut up for background. it has some pinky-red in it, and a touch of the green, too.
Most of these are fabrics I've had for ages, that just won't be making their way into my artwork any time soon. Some are left-overs from other projects -- off-cuts and excesses, like a chunk of purple I used to back a purple and red wedding quilt for friends of my daughter's who married in 2006. The nice thing about working them into a mystery quilt top is that I'll begin with the ones I'm least likely to use elsewhere, and go from there.
I'm using my participation in the mystery quilt-along as 'break time' when my work on my C&G Final Assessment Piece gets bogged, or threatens to make my brain explode during the final design process.
That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it!
OOOOOOOOO i like that bottom background fabric too--FUNky!
Love all those fabrics! Thank you for the well wishes for Thanksgiving!
Here we are again looking forward to Bonnie's Mystery. I have my fabrics all ready and am eager to get started. Can't wait to view your progress.
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