Thursday, March 01, 2012

Twenty Down...

One more to go: assignments, that is.  On Tuesday evening I submitted my twentieth of twenty-one assignments in my City & Guilds Creative Quilting, Module 5.  As with #19, for this activity, I had to take a block I'd made earlier -- my Star-in-a-star:

The first part of the task was to print a paper copy of the block, and create a free-motion design:

I'll bet you can guess what's coming, can't you?  Yes, then I had to sandwich and quilt it!  This proved intimidating as it was clear I'd designed a quilting motif that exceeded my FMQ abilities by a long shot.  Sigh. I stewed over it for almost a week, and then, in a fit of insanity burst of determination, took the proverbial bull by the horns and did it!

Notice that I modified the pattern somewhat.  This is what I learned as I went along:

  • Hitherto, my FMQ experience was done on larger pieces -- lap-sized quilts etc. -- not on single blocks less than 12" square.  It's harder to quilt a 12" square block with FMQ than it is a larger surface, simply because there's less to hold onto, and less space in which to create one's desired motif.
  • Smaller blocks call for simpler quilting patterns.
  • I need more practice quilting in small spaces.
  • Look carefully at your piece before you stop quilting.  I left out a curlicue.  Ah, well, "It's only a sample"!
  • It's time for Lily's annual check-up, because despite all precautions (cleaned bobbin case, new quilting needle, fresh bobbin, fresh thread, adjusted tension), she kept breaking my top thread.  Sigh.
Activity #21 involves combining techniques to make a small piece.  This will be done on my older, non-computerized, trusty Husqvarna S225.  Without a needle down feature, but otherwise quite capable, stalwart and dependable.  Maybe after all these years, I'll name her too:  Rover.  ;-)

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