Monday, January 17, 2011


It's all Gillian's fault.  She took advantage of what is for her part of the world, a temporary phenomenon -- snow -- and created something longer-lasting, and at least as beautiful.  Who was I to argue?  Snow is 'temporary' here too -- if you consider that where I live it's here only 4+/- months of the year...How could I resist?  I had to try Snow Dyeing!

Of course, it was a perfect dovetail with Activity #1 of Module 3 of my City and Guilds program, which is...fabric and thread dyeing.  I was making up jars of fibre reactive dye anyway, so...once I got the basic packs of cotton fabric (muslin and white cotton) and thread (perle cotton) established, I simply played with some of the remaining dye, some smaller pieces of cotton and muslin, and the snow, which I have in abundance.

While I am leaving the fabric packs 'percolating' till tomorrow morning (longer time = more intense colour), I might just dig out the snow dye pieces later this evening (as of this writing, it's been 2 1/2 hours).  Stay tuned!


Bee said...

Margaret, this looks like so much fun! We've only had enough snow for this project once in the last 20 it may be awhile til I get to try it. LOL I can't wait to see how it turns out!

besshaile said...

There's nothing so much fun as happy colors of dyed fiber - you prompt me to dig out my own jars and have a fling. Thanks for sharing.