After Freckle's, I ran a couple of errands, including going to my LQS -- The Fabric Cottage -- at which I found some wonderful over-dyed wool for my next SAQA project. (Sorry: it's a secret, except to say I am hoping to get it finished in time for the 12" block SAQA Auction...)
From there, I went to my local branch of the Calgary Public Library -- that is, the Crowfoot Branch -- dropping off a load and replenishing my reading with several books on tape, including The Age of Miracles by Marianne Williamson, 81 Famous Poems read by several folks and produced as "An Audio Companion to The Norton Anthology of Poetry" (both on CD), and "The Lost Stories of Louisa May Alcott", on tape, from B&B Audio, Inc. In book form, I picked up At a Loss for Words by Diane Schoemperlen (see Our Lady of the Lost and Found, a 'New and Notable' selection, which means I can't renew it after the three-weeks-out period, and must read it immediately.
I moved on to the parking lot at Dalhousie Station, and took the train down to the Stampede Grounds, for my time as a volunteer knitter at the Heritage Cabin on the grounds. On the way I managed to participate in the "Make it and take it" event, sponsored by Freckle's (see above), during which I finally learned to make yo-yo's...! Whoo Hoo! and ended up with a cute pin, to boot! I wore the pin proudly on the bodice of my apron as I spent the afternoon knitting at the cabin -- and I made great progress on the first of a pair of socks. I decided to use my mother's stainless steel double-points (size 13 CDN or 2.25 mm) and a pattern from one of her Paton's booklets from the early 1950s...purchase price: twenty-five cents! My Gilli-hook Heritage Knitters' Guild colleague, Linda, and I had a great time, knitting for 3 hours steady, having our photos taken with our socks (a Yarn Harlot moment!), and answering questions both silly and real. It was a treat!
After my shift, I went to the Round-up Centre to view the artwork and to take my time through the hand-work sections. Alas, it seemed to me that there were fewer pieces on display in the latter this year: fewer quilts, knitted and crocheted items, fewer embroidered items... But the quality persists, and what an inspiring "Artist's Date" (with continued thanks to Julia Cameron for insisting on the importance of same!).
And so...I am home to return to my own work and wonder and delight in fibre, fabric and floss. :-)
1 comment:
What a sweet sounding day - full of fiber and friends.
I love seeing all the different crafts you do.
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