Friday, September 17, 2004

It's Official!

I've given my notice and will be outta there as of September 30. Everyone has been absolutely lovely about it -- saying how good it will be for me and DH, and what a loss for them. I am going to have to work at keeping my halo from pinching my ears!

Meanwhile, I plan the orderly progression of fabric, fiber and floss projects that I have before me -- NOT! I am trying to learn to be less Virgoan about this, and more spontaneous, so that DH and I can have some fun on the days he's not in the hospital for treatments.

It does mean, however, that I've had my last package from Elann for a while...I just got a sweater's worth of that lovely Classic Elite Tweed by post this a.m. (ordered it Wednesday!). And this afternoon I am allowing myself one last, small stitches shopping spree at Traditional Stitches when I help them celebrate their fourth birthday at the Open House...

I'm counting on my KR buddies to keep me strong in the area of Stash Management!

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