It's been a loverly weekend. First, my boss, Mark (bless him!), told me to leave early on Thursday -- so I did -- and I went out to play! First I drove down to Memorial Drive and popped in to a funky book store/coffee shop there called "Socrates Cafe and Books". I didn't cafe, but I did buy a book -- on writing -- by Betty Jane Wylie, a Canadian author I adore who, by the by, is coming to Calgary for our Cdn Assoc. of Pre-retirement Planners' Conference in September of this year. As an aspiring author, I not only have begun a book (watch for it) but also read whatever I can on writing, esp. by folks I hold in high esteem and Betty Jane is one of those great folks.
Then I toddled on up the road to Traditional Pastimes, where I drooled over many of the displays, and picked up a few a nifty pattern for a bath-time bag for Christmas and/or birthday prezzies for good friends...
Then further up the road (Shaganappi Trail for Calgarians reading this!) to A Sewing Sensation, where I finallyoutfitted my humble Husquvarna S225 with Quilter's Kit II -- an extender to balance the weight of the work, plus 3 sewing feet, plus a gadget that holds work in place when one is doing free-arm quilting.
I ended my spree at The Fabric Cottage, where I bought several books -- mostly at 1/2 price!! -- including a glorious one on quilting by Kaffe Fassett (he of the colour orgy) and a sweet "Art to Heart" pattern book on Fruit of the Spirit.
On Friday, I quilted all day at My Sewing Room with 3 good quilting buddies, and made great headway on the baby quilt I am making for good friends of ours who are soon to be grandparents. It's an adaptation of a houndstooth pattern from "Fat Quarter Quilts", in bright colours -- reds, yellows, white and blue. I am now sewing the strips of blocks together (4 blocks by 6) and am really thrilled how well it is turning out.
While there, I picked up my daughter's Magic Tiles quilt, which had been quilted on their long arm. Another superb job! Thanks, Cathy!
One of the quilting friends with me Friday was Jane K., who runs a Bed and Breakfast near DeWinton, Alberta. She is a dear, who I met when we were tossed together on the Freckles' November Retreat 2002. She is a fabulous quilter; Friday, she was working on a wall-hanging (machine applique) in fabric to match the quilt she made on the retreat! Her B&B is quilter/stitcher/knitter friendly too...lots of room for a group of gals to have a mini-retreat in the country...and Highly Recommended by Yours Truly (based on personal experience)!
Saturday a.m. I was over at Freckle's with my girlfriend, enjoying our May Saturday Sampler morning. Eeeew! This month the block is hot pink (with a dash of purple) and orange!!!! Not something I want a bundle of, but it will certainly add zing to the quilt top! :-) While there, I picked up their newsletter, "Quilter's Quill", and noticed the announcement of the November Retreat is in. Time to sign up for a Sanity Weekend!
Sunday afternoon signals the end of 'playtime' and a return to the weekly work world. Our daughter, Gina, who was visiting, has returned to Edmonton. Our son is home from work and gearing up for school tomorrow. I will need to get to bed early...
And so...back to the sewing room for one last run at that crib quilt top as I savour the final hours of the weekend!
Have a great week ahead!
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