The process involves covering small shapes of paper (or plastic) in fabric (by basting), then joining them together to make patterns, like flowers, stacks of 3-dimensional cubes (the secret is in the choice of fabrics), etc., and then applique-ing them on a background fabric. If you have ever seen a "Grandmother's Flower Garden" or "Dresden Plate" quilt, then you will know what I mean. The class is making a wall-hanging-sized sampler; our homework this week is to get 2 flowers put together, consisting of a centre and 2 rows of hexagons. Next week: hearts and circles -- which are tougher because they don't have straight edges. My sampler is in peaches and greens on a cream background, to match my bedroom. I guess I'm trying to find a bit of spring in our -25C winter weather!
On the knitting front, I have found a second project. I once bought some wool in a beautiful cranberry at a yard sale. Alas, it was so scratchy to work with, that I stuffed it away and it has been languishing in my stash for about 10 years now. On the advice of my friends in the Knitters' Review forum (see sidebar), I soaked a small ball of the stuff over night in water mixed with hair conditioner, and then air-dried it (that took a few days!!). While it's not sweater material, after swatching it, I believe I can make a vest out of it that won't be uncomfortable to wear. And I've found just the pattern: the German "Clock Vest" from Cheryl Oberle's Folk Vests (Interweave Press). Dilemma!! Do I start it while I'm knitting my turquoise silk tank top? How many projects do you have on the go at once??
Off to church, it being Sunday I leave you with this thought for the week from Deborah DeFord:
A closed hand can receive no gift.
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