Having a lawn to mow is a mixed blessing. It's tough growing "nice" grass around here, unless one wants to use poison to tame the weeds...and even then, the sandy soil and periodic droughts mean brown patches and a regular onslaught of
dew worms and dandelions.
Yes; I've sung this song before. :-) Blessedly, the treatment I applied last year (epsom salts followed by 'Turf Builder' and water) has improved my front lawn...and the dew worms seem to have moved elsewhere -- for a while at least. That said, the dandelions are as fierce as ever, and as I refuse to poison them -- and as 'home remedies' I've tried (involving dish-washing liquid) manage to kill the grass and feed the dandelions rather than the other way 'round -- all I can do is mow them down.
This is where the blessing comes in. There's something very therapeutic about doing that -- mowing down weeds during turbulent times. It's perversely satisfying to see them fall beneath the mower, when murder and mayhem, fueled by political bigotry, seem to have taken root too close to home. On the head of each dandelion I can imagine the face of a certain particularly vitriolic politician...If you get my drift.
Then, to soothe my soul and restore my faith that God's in God's heaven and all really is 'right with the world', there are the flowers...
My ornamental almond in April |
Forget-me-nots in May |
The first of this year's peonies - June |
A petunia and some begonias - June |
A Campfire Rose - June |
The kiss of the sun for pardon,
The song of the birds for mirth --
One is nearer God's heart in a garden
Than anywhere else on earth.
-- Dorothy Frances Gurney from God's Garden
Grass has been particularly high maintenance this year. Fast growing. Hopefully the worst of the dandelions is over and mowed flat. Time to smell the roses!!! :)
so very true - while things are up in the air in the house, work or thoughts endlessly swimming about with me wondering what to do about ... The garden is always there and waiting for my attention or just presence and attention. If one takes a moment to quiet and look at that flower - you can almost hear it say - " Oh, You see me! Aren't I beautiful?" And I answer, " Yes you are, thank you for sharing with me."
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