Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Braggin' Just a Little

It's Still About the Sky (Detail) - (C) 2016
SAQA has launched a new slide show on it's website...the pieces selected for My Corner of the World: Canada.   

This is in addition to SAQA's practice of producing a slide show for its International (All-SAQA) exhibits, such as the companion exhibit, My Corner of the World.  

For me...I am honoured to have a piece on exhibit with one of my artistic inspirations, Judith (Judy) Martin...and with SAQA Western Canada colleagues Terry Aske, Janet Scruggs, Marie McEachern, Paula Jolly and Jaynie Himsl...Not to mention SAQA 'stars' like Mary Pal, Gunnel Hag and Mardell Rampton...

I hope you'll click the aforementioned links and enjoy...if you can't get to Stratford, Ontario in person between May 21 and the end of August...or just can't wait till the two exhibits get to Your Corner of the World.  :-)


Unknown said...

I doubt that I'll make it in person, much as I'd like to; but congratulations on your part in the show. I'll be a virtual visitor!

Susan Hill

elle said...

Whoo hoooo!!!!

Anonymous said...

There's nothing wrong with being proud of yourself. Congrats!!!!!

Linda A. Miller said...

congratulations, Margaret!