Saturday, April 12, 2014

Busy, Busy, Busy

It's wonderful to go out of town to exhibits and shows...but I've had to make up for lost sleep, and lost hours in the studio, and lost time jogging (so I can eat the goodies offered at said exhibits and shows)...

More will be posted soon...but for those of you not on Facebook (FB), here I am, beaming broadly, at the Preview of the Western Threads: Contemporary Fibre Art exhibit that opened to the public today at the Royal Alberta Museum:

Photo Credit: my wonderful daughter, Gina

You can read more about the exhibit and see photos I took at the Preview (with permission) HERE on the SAQA Western Canada Blog.

P.S.: My piece, Mutt and Jeff, is in the upper left-hand corner of the photo.  :-)

1 comment:

Jo Ferguson said...

As I'm one of those people, who is not on Facebook, may I say thank you for posting the photo. It looks like an amazing exhibit. I can understand why you're beaming.