Wednesday, November 06, 2013

I Almost Forgot!

While I was working away on my "Connected" piece yesterday, I had a couple more pieces of silk and a piece of unprimed artist's canvas simmering in the second dye bath made from the ornamental crab leaves.  (Yes, I made two batches from the one gathering of leaves!)  I still have a bit of the bath left for another time.  What was interesting was the results on the silk, compared to the effect of the bark dye bath.

First the silk charmeuse:

Next, the silk habotai:

The bark dye produced a golden colour, while the leaves produced more of a red-brown.  Either way, they're delicious, don't you think?

Oh...and the canvas?  An interesting gathering of dye residue in creases, for a slightly rusted look:

With all this playing around, I have only a small strip of silk to take into my Craftsy class with Jane Dunnewold.  Time to order some more I guess, eh?  Music to this quilter's ears!


Judy Warner said...

Fascinating to follow along, Margaret. Check out Dena Crain's blog if you have time. She is exploring dyeing with mud. :)

elle said...

yes, yummy. I would like to do more with silk.

jude said...

all delicious and mellow.

Margarita Korioth said...

What are you planning to do with your beautiful silk fabrics?

Love the quilt you are making weaving the pieces together. I want to see how you decided to finish the edges.