Monday, July 01, 2013

To Avoid Confusion...

There are TWO groups involved in making and donating quilts for the 2013 Southern Alberta flood recovery.  

The one I'll be visiting July 6 is Quilts for Calgary, based in Edmonton (because I live closer to Edmonton than Calgary).  It's based out of Sparrow Studioz at 9582 - 87th Street, Edmonton (780-463-4242).  The link to their Facebook is

The other is Calgary-based Quilting for Calgary, and their Facebook link is:  Here's its current poster re: what to donate; I would suggest these guidelines are fine for both organizations: is a US Address for donations from our American quilting friends.  Be sure to reference your contribution, "Quilting for Calgary".  Once again, many thanks!!!

Westfreight Systems 
16855 Crosby Freeway
Houston, Texas, 77049 
Ph. 281-456-7332 

Attention: Kathy or Randy

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