Friday, February 08, 2013

1,000 Posts! 10 Years!

It's a few minutes after 8 a.m. here in Central Alberta (that would be Mountain Standard Time), and it's time to start the celebration!

(Pause while I run outside to snap a couple of photos of pink cotton candy clouds against pale blue sky in the aftermath of the sunrise...)

Now...where was I?  Oh yes...The first Goodie Give-away!  "Floss" is the category, and here's how it's going to work.

Anyone who posts a comment on this blog post or on any other of my posts between the time this goes "live" and 8 a.m. MST on Friday, February 15 (that's a full week of posts) will have his/her name put in the draw for the Stitcher's Goodie Pack featured below:

This pack includes
Lest you think, "Hmmmph! I'm not interested in that traditional stitching stuff!"...remember, you might be able to pass on one of the items to someone who is...or you might want to use the beautiful threads, beads etc. in some other creative project.  It's my anniversary gift to one lucky Gentle Reader...postage included!

And yes, if you comment on more than one post between now and 8 a.m. MST next Friday, your name will be entered in the draw more than once.  :-)

And then again...there may be additional mini-surprises with the 'floss' theme through the week.  Stay tuned, and have a great Friday!


Kit Lang said...

Incredible!!! Congratulations on your 1000th post. Thank you for your dedication to us. :)

P.S. - I usually read you in my reader so I haven't seen your blog makeover. It's loverly!

Dolores said...

Wow, what a milestone. Congratulations. Have fun celebrating. We are shovelling.

Linda said...

Congrats! So nice of you to share. I do a bit of stitchery so I would love to win. Thanks!

Judy Cooper Textile Artist said...

The last time I posted on your blog, I won 'Inspirations' magazine. It was waiting for me when I got back from Chicago on Saturday. So thank-you! This is also a lovely give-away and congratulations on 1000 posts.

Flo @ Butterfly Quilting said...

congratulations!! 10 years is quite an achievement!!
I haven't tried any needle work...but you never know !! :) Thanks for sharing your celebration with us.

elle said...

What fun! So happy to be following you, Margaret.

Linda A. Miller said...

Wow Margaret ...1000 posts. Congratulations! I like new the look of your site, by the way.

MulticoloredPieces said...

Amazing--ten years and 1000 posts! Many congratulations...
best from Tunisia,

Cathy Tomm said...

Congratulations on your big day. 10 years, wow and 1000 posts.

Wil said...

Congratulations with 1000 posts :-)