Friday, January 11, 2013

I've Just Been Reminded and...It's...

Post #975!

Which, of course means another give-away!

But first...Remember back at the end of December when I decided to participate in TUSAL?  Well, according to DaffyCat, we are to post our ORT 'progress' on the New Moon each month -- and arlee reminded me that today -- January 11th -- is the first NM of 2013.  Time to report in:

Here's what my ORT jar looked like on December 31, 2013 (before the start of the current TUSAL):

And here she is today:

 TUSAL #1-2013

Shows I've been working, eh? Eh?  Eh?  ;-)

I know.  Totally Useless -- that's what the TUSAL is all about.  :-)

Now down to business!  About that give-away...

This is the third (and final) give-away in the run-up to my 1,000-post, ten-year blog anniversary -- the last of three books...about books and book arts.  This one is Books Unbound: 20 Innovative Bookmaking Projects by Michael Jacobs (North Light Books, 2006).

(N.B.: Cover in photo varies slightly from my copy.)

Again, it's been languishing in my library lo these last several years, in pristine condition, because I fell too deeply in love with fabric, fibre and floss to begin to play with paper and book-making...

So...let's just say I'll make a random draw from any and all commenters to this blog post between now and 11:59 p.m. Sunday, January 13 which, by the way, will mark the end of my daughter's birthday for 2013...And yes, just for that time, I'll ease up again on the Word Verification and put up with all the spam.  See how much I love you, Gentle Readers?  :-)

Ta-ta for now!


Kit Lang said...

Well, congratulations on 10 years of blogging - that's quite the milestone! :)

elle said...

Yes, well done. I can't seem to find a happy medium to balancing fabric and paper. The book looks good!

California Fiber artist and composer said...

Congratulations on being a consistent blogger...that is amazing. I loved my book making class at Houston so i will enter

Wil said...

No doubt you will fill the jar again :-). Congratulations on your 975 post - and your daughter's birthday. I love books - and book making books.

Judy Warner said...

Love all your posts, Margaret, and really looking forward to seeing you in Santa Fe!

Judy Cooper Textile Artist said...

Congratulations for the 10 years of blogging. I've been doing it since 2009.

Margaret Testa said...

HI Margaret! Congrats on so many posts! And happy birthday to your daughter! I've been eying a few things on Pinterest about book binding . . . thinking of trying one more thing ;)