Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Mother's Little Helper

Mama's Little Angel
Today I'll be working on Christmas WIPs, so there won't be any photos.  (Nonetheless I'm linking to WIP Wednesday on The Needle and Thread Network.)

Here's Mama's Little Angel, 6 months old and sleeping on my lap while I'm at the computer.  She loves the little space between my abdomen and the keyboard!

This is a rare moment, though.  Pookie's taken a real shine to thread of any kind which means that if she's on my lap while I knit, she's trying to chew the yarn.  A few times I've come across projects where she's bitten it clean in two!

And then there's the discovery I made yesterday in my sewing room...

Gives a whole new meaning to 'Thread Play', doesn't it?!

Love to eat them threadies.
Threadies what I love to eat...

- with apologies to B. Kliban


elle said...

Laps are very useful!

Ann Symes said...

Our cat loves thread too! Hope your Christmas projects are coming along!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love my cats, but they would be in trouble if they did that to my thread. Though, does a cat care if he gets in trouble? I'm sure I'd still let them sleep on the quilts anyway, since they just look so comfy when they're there.


Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

Being a

Susan J Barker said...

my walter thinks that being yelled at is an occassion to get attention! i have had to put a lock on the sewing room door because he has learned how to turn the doorknob and push to open!

Linda A. Miller said...

Sweet girl! However, mind those threads!

Regina said...

Such a lovely kitteh.....(and I won't bore you with pets-eating-threads tales).