Sunday, January 01, 2012

'Enough!' and...

a new word for 2012.

Just over a year ago, I'd begun to let go of my former life, to release my hold on the past.  I entered 2011 with a new word, one in which I lacked confidence but which I knew that I had to believe, in order to finish the letting go: enough.  

  • I'd had enough;
  • I have enough; and most importantly,
  • I am enough.

It took me over eight months to believe this -- to turn that last corner on the past fifteen years, to find the door at the end of that seemingly-endless tunnel, to open it, and to step out into the light.  

The turning point came sometime just before my 59th birthday.  As Joyce Meyer would say, I finally got a 'suddenly'.  Suddenly, I knew that I knew that I knew that 'enough' was true -- that I still had a life, and it was up to me to live it.

And so, gentle readers, I give you my word for 2012:  LIFE!

"This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses.  Now choose life, so that you and your children may live."
- Deuteronomy 30:19 (NIV) (emphasis mine)


Dale Anne Potter said...

GREAT word Margaret!
HAPPY NEW YEAR and may 2012 be the BESTEST of everything for you!!!

Robin Olsen said...

Lovely post about "enough." May "Life" be as illuminating for you this year.

Linda A. Miller said...

Thank you Margaret for that lovely post! What a wonderful way to begin 2012...full of LIFE! I am happy to share in your journey.

Art by Rhoda Forbes said...

Wonderful word, we need to all embrace LIFE! When I hit 60 I got my nod...not to worry about what others think and forge ahead. Good for you.