Monday, September 05, 2011

Coming Along...

Until yesterday, the weather has been a bit more like fall than not, so I've spent some more time sewing.  Here's Section 2 of that "Sunrise/Sunset" quilt top,

and here's Sections 1 and 2 attached to each other, taking up my entire design wall -- and then some!

Section 3 requires that I make more blocks, some of which I will have to create from scratch as my friend, it seems, didn't make all of the 1/2-square triangles after all.  Looking at it closely, I see where one of the purple star blocks is the "wrong" way 'round.  Can you spot it? (Shades of Sesame Street's One of These Things is Not Like the Others, eh?)  No matter.  I'm not taking it apart.  It'll be the little spot of imperfection in that quilt -- taking after the Amish, or the Shakers....

I've also managed to add one mohair shawlette to my stack of Finished Objects, and shawlette #2 is finished except for the ends to be sewn in, and then washed.  Shawlette #3 was cast on this morning!

I've cast on another Christmas gift, so my stash of fabric and fibre feels 'lighter' some how.  My studio awaits my return to City & Guilds work, and other original creating.  We have a SAQA Western Canada (Alberta) Parlour Meeting on September 15th, and I'm actually looking forward to it.  Onward and upward!


Linda A. Miller said...

What a wonderful sunny block...looking forward to seeing it as it progresses. Sweet shawlette, too.

Bee said...

Your quilt is turning out beautifully even with the "imperfection". I didn't notice it until you pointed it out. I really like that you are leaving it in! You are being very productive! Enjoy your SAQA Meeting!