Friday, July 29, 2011

What S/he said...

As I tumble along on my 'Summer Sabbatical', I can't ignore the fact that this weekend will mark the ending of July and the heading into August.  It's a long weekend in most of Canada, and the weather promises to be perfect.  There will be lots of time for me to enjoy my Summer Studio with knitting, stitching and hand quilting -- the stuff with which I've been soothing my soul since the end of May.

But once in August, there'll be something in the air...High summer, yes, but just the faintest whiff of BackToSchool, and for me, BackTotheStudio with fresh eyes and a new outlook on my art.  Still pacing myself, but with a fresh flexibility and confidence.

And what Monika's client said is what makes it all worthwhile -- for her, for me, for all those of us who put our creativity Out There:

 "'you artists really bring us to the place where the world is a better place"

Thank you, sir, whoever you are.

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