I finally got 'round to loading my VSR photos, sorting out my gifts and goodies (a beautiful door-prize!) as I went. First, the penthouse-level room at the Harbour Towers, early on Friday, the first full day of stitching:
Thursday evening and Friday, there were door-prizes and gifts given out, and Saturday the gifts continued. Here's a photo of my some of my "booty":

The wee red, white and green pin-keep you see tucked into the right side of the photo is part of the gift I received at the gift exchange, which took place Saturday afternoon at Thea's home/studio. Each of us was asked to make or bring an item. Accompanying the pin-keep was a tiny pair of gold-coloured scissors, complete with beaded fob! The scissors and keep were from N, an extremely accomplished needleworker, who sat next to me that afternoon. Instead of embroidering the wee wreath that goes over the door of the Gingerbread House in our project, N showed us how she was making it in stumpwork. Fabulous!

Last but not least, a photo of Thea (centre), Lisa (left) and Cathy Jean (right), designers and teachers extraordinaire, whose company and hospitality we enjoyed -- and were spoiled by! -- all weekend.
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