Friday, June 27, 2008

Thr3-Fold Wisdom

One of the gals my quilt art group reviewed the first two of (now) three books-with-CDs by Thr3Fold, a trio composed of the Kemshalls (Laura and Linda) and BC, Canada resident, Catherine Nicholls. Well! I began to drool...and didn't stop until I picked up my own set at The Fabric Cottage, an LQS within walking distance of my home (and sellers of Mistyfuse-on-the-bolt!). The gals there were still excited about Catherine's recent visit, during which she taught a workshop on mono-printing.

Now, I confess, monoprinting has not yet 'called to me' as something I should learn about...Perhaps someone out there could enlighten me as to why it might be important for a budding fibre artist?


1 comment:

arlee said...

arghhhhhhhhhh--how could i have missed that??????????
Monoprinting can make some striking bases, or be wonderful to create applique that just shouts!