Tuesday, May 06, 2008

It's Just Dawned on Me...

That the piece I just did for my first exercise with Sue

is in much the same colour-way as the May TIF Challenge recently posited by Sharon:

Sharon's Question of the Month was, 'What do you call yourself?'...and the class I'm taking with Sue has me expanding my skills, so that in my conscience, I can feel honest about calling myself a Fibre* Artist. I mean, I've decided to take this work seriously, to move it out of the realm of 'hobby' or 'past-time'...That's not to say I won't continue to enjoy it. Western culture has this notion that, if you love it, it can't be 'work'. HHmmphf! I am loving it, and it is work -- that is, if you count stretching my skills and my intellect and my vision and my tendency t'wards number-focused, left-brained introversion, 'work'. But I am savouring* every artistic growing pain, and vow to keep going!

Don't tell me that this means that I've completed The Challenge already?!

*Canadian spelling. :-)

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