Saturday, December 29, 2007

An Afternoon with Elizabeth

Yesterday I was off. Work, that is. So I curled up with new knitting (a baby sweater, one of the last gifts I do for the next 12 months, per my New Year's Resolutions...but that's another post), and put in the full set of this DVD:

Then I knit my project, listened and took notes, while EZ entertained me with her melodic voice, relaxed manner and delightful sense of humour. I have planned a Nordic-type sweater for myself this year, and want to use her Percentage System; the DVD was invaluable in helping me understand it, and in inspiring me to get back to two-handed, two-colour knitting. It's gonna be a great year!

1 comment:

Bess said...

oh oh oh! Isn't she great? isn't that a super dvd? Aren't you inspired!!

That is the video series that changed me from a women who know how to knit - into a Knitter. I am utterly completely totally inspired by that set. I'm going to check it out of the library right now!

Happy happy knitterly new year