Friday, August 08, 2003


MonkeyKnits has moved...and then gone away for the weekend! Sounds like a great idea!

DH and I are off to Banff tomorrow for 2 glorious days/nights at the Fabulous Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel, to celebrate 28 years of wedded bliss and make up for a few missed anniversaries (including the Big One, #25). On the outside, he sure ain't the guy I married, but on the inside...still the same Ol' Sweetie!

For the lazy hours away, I'm taking 3 books and my Tequila Tank...and getting m'self all primped up with a visit to Oasis Spa & Wellness Centre. Lest you think we are rolling in dough, the Spa was a gift to me from DH for my last birthday (The Big Five-O)...and I'm gonna enjoy every second of my massage, my facial and my parafin manicure! I've even been trying to keep the nails nice on my oh-so-practical, stubby little fingers!

So have a great one, and we'll chat next week!

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