Sunny Sunday! At last! Not quite warm enough to get into the garden, though -- still a bit o' snow up near the back fence. Next weekend, our Victoria Day long weekend, it the traditional Get Down and Dirty in the Garden weekend though, so there's still time!
Still, it being spring-y and Mother's Day weekend and all, it was time for me to get out of my Blue Funk and get going.
A number of the gals (yes, they are mostly females) at the KR forums (fora?) have been talking about combining walking and knitting. Well, I'm a knitter and I'm a walker so I figured, "why not try it?". I tried it with the first of a pair of sox I am knitting (in Brown Sheep's 'Wildefoot' "Tom Cat" tweed). Fit in my jacket pocket, so I thought, "No problem."
Didn't last two blocks. Turns out that the purposes I have for walking and for knitting clashed. I walk for exercise (briskly) and to enjoy the outdoors (and yesterday at 8 a.m. it was particularly lovely). I knit to relax, to be reflective and to be creative. Both are refreshment. Both relax to an extent. But I found that although I am capable of knitting and walking at the same time, doing both together is distracting. I can't completely enjoy the walk, nor can I completely enjoy the knitting. So...from now on, never the twain shall meet!
Next new thing: Pilates. I began my 4-week intro class yesterday afternoon. OOOOOH my abs are outta shape!! But surprisingly, after it was all over, I didn't feel sore, I slept well last night, and things are moving well inside (if you get my drift!). The hour went quickly, and I can't wait till next class. Meanwhile, I dug out my "Pilates in a Box" cards and am planning the 2 sessions she suggested we do during the week to keep in practice.
Off to pick up The Boy from his job...More Later...
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