"precipitating" outside -- a mix of rain and wet snow -- so I have put on a fire, and very soon will sit down to work on the binding of a lap quilt, while I watch a favourite old move -- Anne Bancroft, Anthony Hopkins and Judy Dench in "84 Charing Cross Road". I think I've seen it at least dozen times -- enough to know many of the lines -- but it never fails to fascinate, and it is perfect for a Rainy Sunday.
I have also managed to get a great deal done online since I got in this morning. First I caught up on my online course from the Center for Anglican Learning and Life at The Church Divinity School of the Pacific in Berkley, California. Its a course on Celtic spirituality -- pre-Christian as well as Christian, and we are just entering our 3rd of 7 weeks together. A very quiet group -- there have been only 2 or 3 of us that correspond, besides the prof, but I am enjoying the readings and discussions (such as they are) immensely.
On the knitting front, I checked in with my friends at KR, getting a new lead on a Canadian yarn shop in BC called Beehive Wool Shop (not to be confused with The Beehive, a Calgary wool and embroidery shop). Bought a bag of Gedifra chunky merino/synthetic blend (mostly merino) in wonderful purples (with a touch of golds/browns) for $26.95 USD (why a CDN shop quotes only in USD is beyond me but...!!!). Even after conversion it's a grand deal!! I also found they had the Bernat Boa shade I was looking for ("Ostrich" -- a black and grey mix) so I got 2 balls to make a hat to go with the scarf I made myself before Christmas.
This week I read a post on KR that was speculating whether or not I was the author of No Idle Hands:The Social History of American Knitting. Alas, no; would that I were! The honour for that goes to Ms. Anne L. Macdonald, described on the book's cover as "An historian and lifelong knitter". From what I have read, she has done a great service to preserve the origins of our knitting craft and its traditions here in North America (or at least in the US portion!) -- and for that I applaud her. Maybe I should tackle the subject for Canadians?
The server is acting up a bit, so I'll say 'adios' for now! Next weekend finds me visiting nearby needlework and yarn/fabric stores to feed all my addictions -- and then toting a good book and a sampler to Mt. St. Francis retreat centre for the weekend. Till later...
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