Those of you who follow me on Facebook know I've had this lit candle as my profile photo for a very long time now -- pretty much consistently for the last four years.
It remains lit for the time being, but now it is lit more in hope than for release.
That said, today is Remembrance Day in Canada and much of the world, marked in various and sundry ways and places.
I'm marking it at home today, and have already watched a Service of Remembrance prepared by our parish priest and volunteers, as well as celebrating Morning Prayer with the Dean in the garden at Canterbury Cathedral.
It will be a day of quiet handwork -- mainly knitting socks for Christmas gifts -- and a bit of outdoor work too, as we had more snow overnight and all that was cleared yesterday has to be cleared again.
All of this is a preamble to what I really wanted to share, sitting here sipping coffee and listening to Ralph (aka Raif) Vaughan Williams' Lark Ascending on CBC radio.
As I listened and knit and thought, I realized that although it is early, a Word of the Year has come to me for 2021, which I hope and trust will inform my work in the brief time left in this year as well:
It's what I'm acknowledging I need in my life right now, and what I want all of my somewhat frenetic making to be about: bringing comfort.
I expect I'll write more about this as time passes, and I might even ponder the 'word' I chose last year -- but for today, this is enough. Going forward, may the time ahead bring each of us comfort.
The Lark Ascending
Violinist: Hilary Hahn
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