That said, I learned several things from the exercise, and still have ideas about how I might want to express the theme -- just not that way! Instead, I've selected a piece I made a bit less than a year ago now, that I think will fill the bill. My Daughter the Photographer is coming for a short visit in a few weeks, and I'll have it ready for her to photograph then.
While I'm allowing new ideas to percolate (I continue to take photos of the almost-winter countryside, with new work in mind), I'm steadily working on those quilts I mentioned for the family of Syrian refugees our church is co-sponsoring. This -- as I know I've mentioned -- is a trio: mother, teen-aged son and ten-year-old daughter -- who are coming to join the family that's already here. I've finished a 60" square string quilt-as-you-go throw for the boy:
Peeking out from under that one, you'll catch a glimpse of the top I've put together for the mother of the group. It finished at 63" x 72" and so has gone to my favourite long-arm quilter to be quilted:
The pattern is straight out of my imagination -- born of the fact that I failed miserably at following the pattern I was going to use. I blew it on not just one but two counts: I didn't check fabric amounts before assigning the colours to "A", "B" and "C"; and when I decided to "just do it", I then mis-read the pattern and sewed 16 strip pairs, 1 1/2" wide, Width Of Fabric (WOF) -- using the wrong colour combination! Aaaaargh! I hate it when that happens! 😕
What's a quilter to do?! I took the lemons I had and made lemonade!
Now I'm working on the last of the trio -- another string QAYG -- using 8" blocks this time, to finish at 48" x 64" for a throw for the little girl. As of this writing I have 2 rows finished. Here they are on my design wall. (Once I've finished 3 rows, they'll move to my "design bed" in the guest room! 😉)
In addition, of course, I am mindful that the Holiday Season is fast approaching. I've got a pair of finger-less mittens started -- this is what I'm making J & E, my neighbours, this year, for all they do for me year 'round -- and a pair of socks started for my son. Yes, it's Christmas Socks for each of my kids this year.
As I write, my church's Annual Bake Sale, Tea & Bazaar has wound up. I made 4 dozen oatmeal-raisin cookies for the Giant Cookie Sale section, plus a few knitted items which I do hope managed to sell. One of my favourites was this lovely cowl which, if it didn't sell, I just might keep...
It's made from Debbie Bliss' "Alpaca Silk Aran" yarn (alas, now discontinued)...mmmmm.....soft and drapey! It's very deep, but can unbutton to allow one part to lie flat -- per the pattern (Gothic Lace Cowl from Tin Can Knits).
And so it goes.
Economically, things in These Parts are tough these days. I've had my part-time hours cut back in what should be The Shop's busiest time of year (it's a yarn shop, after all!). One of the galleries in which I was showing has closed, and I picked up my art work yesterday. Another -- several hours' drive north -- has had my work for 16 months without a sale. The owner decided she had to surrender all artwork done "by out of town artists". "No one is buying art right now," she explained to me on the 'phone earlier this week. The four pieces came home yesterday.
I continue to live in hope; continue to share what I can with those in need...and with those who might buy; continue to make 'pretty' things that bring me joy and soul-satisfaction. And maybe, just maybe can be shared with you, Gentle Readers.
Linking up (on time!!) with Nina Marie's Off the Wall Friday...and wishing you a weekend of hope, joy and creativity -- wherever you are.
(Praying for safety for those affected by the fires in California and the flooding in SW Quebec and Ontario.)
1 comment:
Hi Margaret - in response to your comments about "no on is buying art right now"
a) i don't think that is true - and b) that's not why you make your art anyway.
We make because we have to - we make because it is what we do. If someone buys our work - that is a bonus. xo
have good time with your daughter xo
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