- I wasn't alone. One water-colourist for whom this was her twelfth show, said it was her worst year ever; the potter next to me has been in the show three years now -- ditto; the same for my favourite jewellers (third or fourth year at least; they were next-door to me last year) and for three fellows who shared a booth of photography and framed paintings (their first year).
- I had 3 people very interested but all saw me late in the day today and had spent their $$. One has just moved into a new home and wants fresh wall art. I may get a call. I will remain hopeful;
- I had lots of interest and positive feedback (no more laughable comments, though I'm still being compared to people's grandmothers, mothers and aunties, and to my SAQA colleague and predecessor as SAQA WC Co-Rep, Patti Morris, whom I admire);
- I met several more people who'd seen my work in "Meet the Best of the West" when it showed in Red Deer;
- I had two gentlemen fascinated with The Burgess Shale exhibit now touring Southern Alberta through the auspices of the Alberta Society of Artists and TREX (one of them had hiked the excavation site!);
- I had compliments from a woman who'd already seen the "Western Threads" exhibit at the Royal Alberta Museum in Edmonton;
- I had many opportunities for public education (shades of the SAQA Trunk Show, "THIS is a Quilt!"); and
- I got lots of hand-stitching done on the second part of my triptych. (I hung the first section up with a note that read "Work in Progress: 'Deteriorating Civility' (a Triptych).") It got some curious looks. :-)
What's next?
- A day in Lacombe tomorrow -- meetings, errands, recycling, a doctor's appointment, and a funeral tea at the church for a dear soul -- 94 -- who passed away last week;
- When home over the next month, (almost) complete rest. By this, I mean working in the yard and garden (front needs raking), reading, knitting (for a change), perhaps working on a pieced project or two with OPI ("Other People's Instructions");
- Work on my 15 x 15 group piece (due May 31) on the theme, "Nature";
- Work on a piece for the 2014 SAQA Benefit Auction (due June 1, I think!);
- Travel to Edmonton on Friday for my son's graduation, which is the next day (Dip. Digital Media and IT) and house-warming (new digs for himself, his fiancée and another couple). This will include (I hope) a visit to an LYS (Local Yarn Shop) or two, a gallery or two, a quilt show in Sherwood Park (on the way there), a favourite used-book shop and cafe, some long walks and some total "chilling".
- Oh -- and the opening of the Focus on Fibre Arts Biennial Juried Show, "Prairies", at Enterprise Square in downtown Edmonton on Sunday evening (May 4).
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Rural Rhythms (C) 2014 |
Time to get into my jammies and curl up with a glass of wine. In the words of the legendary Lawrence Welk,
Wow, you have a full calendar and if our weather ever reverts to normal I'll be busy outside also! :)
You forgot to mention sleep. It will be nice, though, to get our hands dirty, digging in our gardens. Enjoy your family and your garden.
Don't worry about sales.
Just don't worry about them at all.
Sales are not a mark that your work is good or that you are worthy.
Why are you making art? Is it to put someone through university, or food on the table? No.
Most of us make art because we can't not make it. We are blessed to be able to spend our time this way.
It sounds to me as if you had a lot of interest in your work.
What happens when we are in a situation like you just went through, watching people come up and look and then watching them leave - everything hinges on that expectation.
It kills your creativity.
So glad to read that you were able to stitch while you were there.
big hug
Of course, I am late in reading this….you will be heading off to son's graduation soon. Enjoy that to the fullest! I trust by now perspective has set in on the exhibit - sure reads like it was by this post.
I imagine you knitting up a storm about now…..maybe some sketching too? Looking forward to seeing this year's auction piece.
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