Friday, October 05, 2012

A Little Bit of This and a Little Bit of That

Yes, there's been some knitting this week.  I finished another toque, a baby hat, and the better part of Sock #2 in Pair #2 for my friend D.

Chunky Cable Hat by Modern Lace

Baby Rollin' Beret by Wooly Wormhead
Simplicity Socks by Janel Laidman
I managed another sketch for my class, "Outline Drawing and Embroidery" with Susan Sorrell.  I struggled with perspective, but in the end I rather like this one:

Books on the Kitchen Table
And I worked in my sketchbook to express a favourite applique motif on paper.  This is a naupaka flower for Hawaiian applique, which I found -- to my surprise -- at Martha

Paper-cut applied to printed page

Page with motif overlaid painted page

Motif as a stamp, acrylic on paper

I find this sort of thing very intense so today as a break, I knit on the second "Simplicity" sock, and dug out my veggie patch (tomatoes, sweet peas, herbs) in preparation for winter.  I moved my 2 surviving raspberries from the south side of the house to the east side of the garage in the hopes they'll like that better next year.  And I listened to Pastors Joel Osteen and Rick Warren on Oprah's new Life Class series while I knit.  With a good walk thrown in this morning, it's been a lovely day!

1 comment:

Darlene said...

Love the sock! The hats are great too! Happy Thanksgiving to you and the rest of your family :))