Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Decisions, Decisions...

I've finished up the quilting on my bias applique, which is the focus of Activities 12 and 13 in Module 7 of my City & Guilds program.  I also added the wee circles in the centre, per my original sketchbook design.  The quilting assignment was 'echo' quilting, and I had fun moving around these shapes:

Bias Applique Sample - 8" w x 13" L
Commercial batik fabric, hand-dyed fabric, acrylic paint
Hand-applied self-made bias 'tape', machine quilting

Now, I thought it needed a little something -- perhaps buttons?  


Or these?

Or maybe washers -- to be sewn on by hand?  (These I painted with Lumiere paint in bronze.)

For now, I'm letting the piece 'sit' while I mull over my options.  For obvious reasons,  I've entitled it "Rejoice!"  :-)


Mary Ann Tate said...

I think I'd go with the washers. You could do some interesting stitching through and around them maybe?

arlee said...

top buttons--more interesting visually without being overpowering, the second are too "cute", the third looks vague :)

Darlene said...

I like the blue buttons. This is such a happy quilt! :-)

Jenny K. Lyon said...

It is indeed joyful!