Friday, August 19, 2011

Almost There...

The last several mornings have been cool, regardless of how much the temp might increase during the day -- and there's a distinct edge in the air, the sharpness that signals we're approaching autumn.  With September (post-Labour Day, that is!) there will be a return of focus to my life -- a return to work, with renewed energy from my lovely Summer Sabbatical.  Already this week I've begun to jot down ideas, to collect photos (so many new ones from my trip to Lethbridge and back through Calgary!), to renew my enthusiasm and excitement about making my art.

Lest I get carried away by sparkler bright enthusiasm, I am reminded to STOP, to BREATHE, to PLAN a little bit so that when that studio door re-opens I can FOCUS*.

*Thank you, Alison Lee of Craftcast!

1 comment:

Judy Warner said...

It sounds like your summer was a winner. Glad to hear you energized. Yes, always breathe. :)