Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Off to the UK...

later today -- to the Journal Quilt Competition 2011...!!

Fractured Fantasy I: Explosion

Here's my Artist's Statement for these pieces:

In 2006, my husband was killed by the complications of Juvenile Diabetes (Type I).  In the years since, I have learned that 'Reality' may shatter 'Fantasy' like a mirror, but the 'Dreamer' in us all fashions beauty from the shards.

They will be on show with the rest of the competitors at the Spring Quilt Festivals and Quilts UK, Malvern 2011.
Fractured Fantasy II: Resolution

Circle Play

This is another small piece (10" square) which will be matted down to 8" square and framed for hanging in the SAQA Trunk Show 2011: This is a Quilt!  The image at left is taken from a scan (as are the two above), and shows just about what you'd expect to see after it's matted and framed.  The first venue for this show, as I understand it, is the SAQA Visioining Conference in Denver -- May 19-21, 2011.  I'm looking forward to seeing all the entries there, and to meeting the creators thereof!

And now...to the Post Office.  :-)

1 comment:

Roberta Warshaw said...

Lovely, meaningful work.