Saturday, March 13, 2010

"let it do"

That was the advice given to Pat over at 'Altering Thoughts' by her friend, Jude. I'm thinking it's good advice, since I've been stitching away on "A Beach, 3 Boys", and am not at all certain I'm achieving the effect I was going for on the water. It's a rather small piece, and I'm beginning to wonder if the Kantha is, as my mother would have said, "too much of a much-ness". That said, whenever I look at it up on my design wall, I like what I see. Hmmmm. Think I may just let it 'percolate' for a while and get on to other things.

1 comment:

Robin Olsen said...

Oh yes, keep at the kantha--it adds such nice movement to the water.