And the big excitement for me is the launch of the Visioning Project through SAQA University. It's a year-long endeavour, during which 125 fibre artists in various stages of their careers will work on stated goals, support and learn from each other, and emerge -- hopefully! -- on a higher level than that
on which we entered. This is my stated goal:
"To develop a cohesive body of work and a good work ethic for my art, so I can produce work regularly. This would culminate in being picked up by a local gallery for a show in 2011." There! It's out in the open for any and all to see. Shudder!
It's been quite a summer getting ready. My main task was to clear the decks in my "studio" so that I could undertake the pieces I want to create for this Body of Work (BOW); I am down to very little in that department now, but have instead a stack of items for finishing (no deadlines) when I feel I need a break from the intensity of the design/creation process.
I also re-arranged the furniture in my studio space, so that at last I am not standing in my own light when I work at my cutting table and ironing surface. I let that go on far too long; the new arrangement is such an improvement that I can't understand why I procrastinated!

Part of 'clearing the decks' included finishing a baby sweater for a young couple I know whose first babe arrived last month. It's made from Estelle Yarns "Cloud Cotton" -- 100% organic -- which was very soft to work with such that, I admit, I am a tad concerned about its durability. Time will tell, I guess.
Other items I finished include:
- The Prairie Autumn piece - the binding and sleeve. It's now hanging on my front door;
- A piece entitled "Morning Cup" that was homework from a Quilt University class in 2005 (!);
- Sandwiching and pinning a small throw that was the 2007 "$2 a Block" project from Hamel's Fabrics; and
- Sandwiching and pinning a table runner top that I got a couple of years ago in a pile of stuff donated to the knitting group at the church (no one else wanted it, including the group's other resident quilter!)
That completed, I will participate in tonight's first VP conference call. Tomorrow, bright and early, I'll high off to Edmonton for a 2-day "Artist's Date" at the Creative Stitches and Craft Show in Edmonton. Whoo hoo! It's been a few years since I've been to one of these, and I've never been to the one in Edmonton. I've found in the past, though, that I always find inspiration and learn something new at one of these shows, so I am looking forward to the time there. I hope to arrive in time to catch Linda MacPhee's seminar tomorrow at 10 a.m., entitled "Recycle, Reuse & Rethink". I find it's great fun to see what ideas others have, and as MacPhee is an energetic and creative lady, this should be fun! Next up will be "Round & Round & Round We Go" with Denise and Barb of The Secret Workshop. They're a pair I've never met before, and the brochure doesn't elaborate on the class content, so I'll go prepared to be surprised. :-)
Friday night I'm dining and sleeping over with my beautiful daughter; Saturday I'll head off to the show with no preconceived plans, and with a view to leaving in the early afternoon so I can pop into the south store of River City Yarns. I'm thinking of registering for their "Entrelac Scarf" class, being held Tuesday afternoon, October 20. It's one technique I've not yet learned, and it has intrigued me for years. No time like the present!
Meanwhile, said daughter's "Sweet Tee", designed by Mary Jane Mucklestone (Interweave Knits, Spring 2009) is proceeding apace. The sleeves are in, there are 2 more rounds of the short row shaping to do, and then I'll be able to shape the yoke. As Daughter has chosen to forego the Fair Isle floral motifs at the neckline, this shaping should proceed more quickly than it would otherwise (I know: famous last words, but I shall persevere!)
And so... I'm off!
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