Saturday, December 13, 2008

Hunkerin' Down

Snow. And blowing snow. Storm warnings south of here. Here -- mostly blowing. The walk I shovelled yesterday noon is now almost filled in again. That's okay, though. In this weather, no one's going to be visiting -- certainly not on foot!

I managed to get into Lacombe yesterday afternoon for banking, the Post Office (sent off a Christmas parcel), the Library (brought home a VHS tape and 2 DVDS), and groceries. I think now I'm home to least till Tuesday, when I am supposed to go in to Calgary. "Weather permitting" has become my current favourite phrase!

So yesterday evening, making it back just as snow and wind were starting up, I worked on a wee art piece -- this month's challenge for my art quilt group, the Free Spirit Artisans. The theme was "Favourite Book, Movie or Song". Can you guess what this represents?

Here's a closer view:

On the agenda for today: applique and a the start of a new pair of socks!


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