This Penguin is down 10 lb! My clothes are fitting better -- even shoes! -- and I have far more energy...though I am still a card-carrying Morning Person. :-)
On the knitting front, I'm coming to the reducing stage in the chemo cap I am knitting for my friend, M in the Wavy Lace pattern from, and I finished a lovers' mitten in time for a shower earlier this evening. It was a big hit, and several 20-something knitters want to borrow the pattern. :-)
My roundtrip is approaching completion of sleeve/side 1 (they're all-of-a-piece, really), and I finally got the spiral going in the cap for the Schoolhouse Press KAL.
I'm having even more fun with my Joggles class, "Scrumptious Surfaces". My first layer needs just a bit more work to finish the first layer, and then the fun really begins. I love how the piece has evolved from this:

to this:

Onward and upward!
Is that a two layered cut away sort of applique? It's subtle and delicate. Bet it is fun to do.
The chemo cap is a lovely one. I have a friend who is recovering from BC and chemo. I should have thought to make that for her. How sweet of you to do this one for your friend.
Yes, Zip, it's a layer of sheer fabric under the linen, which is cut away, and bound/outlined by the blanket/buttonhole stitch. This class is great fun. Updated photos coming soon!
Glad you're friend is recovering. Mine is going for her next bout of chemo this week. Don't feel guilty about not knitting a cap. Now you know where to get great hat patterns -- for those well or not so well!
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