Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Thank Heavens...

For Wikepedia! If the information I found there is correct, our clocks finally go back on Saturday midnight/Sunday a.m. (November 3/4). I'm awfully tired of waking at a reasonable hour (6 a.m.) and waiting three hours for the sunrise. I can't see how this has improved agriculture, either...especially as here in at least parts of the Great White North, we've already had frost and/or snow...

To the PowersThatBe: couldn't we go back to the end of October again next year?


Anonymous said...

I'm with you there! And while we're at it, could we go back to the old "spring forward" date as well? I HATED the darker mornings we had for those extra three weeks (or whatever it was).

Bess said...

You have my vote! I hate the time change. I'm a morning person so I don't even like daylight savings time to begin with - but switch back and forth is such a downer for me.

Happy winter knitting to you sugar.