Thursday, January 01, 2004

Holding Her Own

This could be said of both Mom and I on this New Year's Day. Happy 2004, Gentle Readers! I do hope it will bring you all health, contentment, and opportunities to enjoy your craft -- as well as to share with others.

We have old friends coming over this afternoon, but right now I have a couple of hours to m'self, and will both tidy up and prep for tomorrow -- when I get to go to My Sewing Room to sew, sew, sew. My dear sister is holding down the fort Mom-wise...I visited Mom yesterday -- she is weak and tired, and hovering on the brink of feeling Really Blue...but we had a good visit. I didn't get to speak to a doctor, but hope to do so after the holidays.

Meanwhile, I also collected her mail, paid some bills, and visited the second of 2 nursing homes recommended by Mom's GP. Though the first was Very Impressive (only 5 years old and very elegant), I kinda liked the atmosphere of the second better -- older yet with more services to offer (more physio, more OT and visits by PALS, those pets the residents get to cuddle...), featuring their own kitchen (no importing pans of food to warm up), and a very friendly staff.

So today and tomorrow I refresh, and Saturday afternoon I go out to the NE again to see Mom.

As the Rose Parade winds down, I must away. Got a wedding quilt to plan!

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